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Depouillage or cleaning of a sauce is the most important process in building a sauce.  Depouillage as it is applied to sauces, is the removal of all fat and impurities from the flour and stock in the sauce.

Any sauce that has been thickened with a roux must be depouilled.


Dal Dariole Darne Dauphine-Masse Decanter Decorer Decoutiquer Deglacer Degorger Degraisser Dejeuner Demi Demi Glace Demouler Deplumer Depouillage Dessecher Devonshire Sausage Dewey Dice Diet Dietitian Digestif Dindon Dindonnneau Dorer Drawn Butter Dredge Dresser Drupe Du Jour Duchesse Dunde Dusting Dutch Headcheese Duxelles



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