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Allumettes Thin, finger-length hors d' oeuvres or petite fours made of puff pastry; also matchstick shapes;  usually refers to. potatoes. 3/16" x 3/16 x 2" or 3" In between julienne and battonet.

A L A la A la Carte A la King A la Minute A la Mode A point A Sec Abats Abattis Acidulate Affinage Affinuer Agar Aging Agneau Aiguillettes Aioli Al Dente Alessandri Allumettes Almond Paste Alpino Amandine Amontillado Ancienne Andalouse Anglaise Antipasto Apennio Aperitif Appareil Argenteuil Arles Aromates Arroser Arrowroot Artichaut As Purchased Asiago Aspic Assaisonner Au Gratin Au jus Au Lait Au Naturel Aubergine.

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