
Egg Yolks

Compound Butters

Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are used as a thickening or binding agent in many dishes throughout the worlds cuisines.  when using to thicken sauces coquette mixtures, dressings etc the egg yolks are added to the warm mixture and stirred in well. It is important that once the yolks are added that the soups. sauces or product as are not brought back to a boil as this will cause the mixture to break.  High starch sauces may be brought to a higher temperature but not to a boil.

Bavarian Creams and custards can be thickened by using the a mixture of yolks and sugar and then adding the boiling liquid which is usually milk to the beaten egg mixture and stirring vigorously.  Such a mixture still should not be brought to a temperature exceeding 180° F (80° C)

Roux Types Arrow Root Beurre Manie Blood Corn Starch Cream Egg Yolks Liaison

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