

Compound Butters

wpe25.jpg (14940 bytes)Brown roux is cooked over moderate heat for a longer time than the white roux or blond roux. This extended cooking time affects the thickening qualities of the flour, therefore a little more flour is necessary.  While white and blond roux uses butter Brown roux you can use other fats.  Flour browns better using fats that can withstand higher temperatures than butter.  To correctly brown the roux, it must be stirred constantly and cooked for 5 to 10 minutes
Brown Roux                               
  Yieldto thicken 1 quart or 1 liter of sauce
Ingredients U.S. Metric
For sauce    
Butter or Fat 2 ounces 60 grams
Flour 3 ounces 90 grams
For soup    
Butter 1 ounce 30 grams
Flour 2 ounces 60 grams
1. Melt the fat  in a sauce pan
2. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the sifted flour
3. Cook the flour with the butter or fat over a moderate heat, before 5 to 10 minutes allowing the roux  to brown.
4. Allow the roux to cool before adding to liquid
Never add hot roux to hot liquid as it will cook too fast and cause lumps.

Roux Types Arrow Root Beurre Manie Blood Corn Starch Cream Egg Yolks Liaison

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