

Compound Butters

Shell Fish Soup created by De La Varenne 1653. Author of Classic Book of Soups.

A word of Provencal origin, in earlier times this name was applied to puree of wood pigeons, other poultry and game, but not to shell fish which it is applied almost exclusively today.

In classical cuisine a bisque is a creamy puree that concentrates the essence of a single ingredient into a rich perfumed soup.  the thickening agent is rice or the bread of crust fried in butter

In the modern kitchens this term has been loosely applied to many different soups and thickened with rice flour, but it is almost impossible to match the texture and luster of a bisque that has been put through a food mill with rice as the thickening agent.

The seasoning of bisque usually shellfish butter and a hint of cayenne pepper to balance the richness of the soup.

Bisques are usually accompanied fried croutons.

Bisque Clear Soups Cream Soups Puree Soups Vegetable Soups.

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