
Weights & Measures

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Weights & Measures

The majority of kitchens in the United States use non-metric measurements.  There have been several movements in the U.S. to convert to the metric system but this movement to date has not been successful.

In many ways chefs that become familiar with the metric scales appreciate them more than the present U.S. Standard because it allows for much finer measurements.  For example an ounce is measured in 28.35 grams.  When duplicating recipes this allows for much closer duplication on a consistent basis.

The base measures in metrics are liter(l) for liquid; meter(m) for distance and gram(g) for weight.  The metric system uses three Latin prefixes to indicate measurements which are less than the base measure: deci means 1/10 (.100); centi means 1/100 (.010; milli means 1/1000 (.001).  Three Greek prefixes are used to indicate more then the base measure: deca means 10; hecto means 100; kilo means 1000.

The use of the metric system itself is simple.  A deciliter equals .010 of a liter and a kilogram equals 1000 grams.  It is the conversion of U.S. standard to metric and vice versa, that becomes challenging. For this computer programs and conversion tables come in handy.

Teaspoons = Tablespoons = Cups = Dry Volume Measures Liquid Measurements 1 Cup=Ingredient Weight Hotel Pan Capacities Scoop Sizes Metric Conversion Can Sizes Wine Bottle Size Liquor Bottle Size.

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