
Port du Salut

Unripened Cheese
Soft Ripen Cheese
Semi-Soft Cheese
Pasta Filata
Firm Ripened
Hard Ripened
Blue-Vein Mold Ripen

A mellow to robust French cheese made in the province of Brittany on the west coast of France.  It has a creamy smooth texture and nutty buttery taste.

Originally made by Trappist monks it was
named for the abbey of Notre Dame du Port-du-Salut at Entrammes.

Port du Salut is a favorite melted into wonderful sauces and dips.

Serve with: Dark ale, mineral water, Onions, Pumpernickel and wheat crackers

  Milk Used Aging Period Color Texture Flavor Purchase Unit
Port du Salut Cheese (Oka Cheese)
(Por dü Sa-lü´)
Cow's Milk  6 to 8 weeks Robust Yellow inside and russet outside Semisoft, smooth, buttery, with small holes or eyes Mellow to robust, between Cheddar and Limburger  7 to 10 in. diameter disk

Uses: Appetizers, snacks, served with raw fruit, dessert

Alsatian Muenster ] Altemburger Cheese ] American Cheese ] Brick Cheese ] Feta Cheese ] Fontina Cheese ] Havarti ] Limburger Cheese ] Monterey Jack ] High Moisture Jack ] Muenster Cheese ] [ Port du Salut ]

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