
American Cheese

Unripened Cheese
Soft Ripen Cheese
Semi-Soft Cheese
Pasta Filata
Firm Ripened
Hard Ripened
Blue-Vein Mold Ripen
  American is a sandwich cheese, is semi-soft, smooth and light yellow or orange in color with a mild and delicate flavor.. It is usually sold in blocks or squares. More than half of all cheese consumed in the United States is processed cheese of this kind. American cheese is essentially young cheddar cheese, made of pasteurized cows’ milk, which then goes through a shredding and heating process. Various other dairy ingredients, such as dyes and emulsifiers, are added to create a smooth, mild, odorless, meltable, and stable product.
  Aging Period Color Texture Flavor Purchase Unit
American Cheese 3 to 12 months Light yellow to orange smooth Mild Case of 5/1-lb. units

American cheese should be refrigerated at 46 to 55°F (8 to 13°C). It keeps well for several weeks in the refrigerator.

Alsatian Muenster ] Altemburger Cheese ] [ American Cheese ] Brick Cheese ] Feta Cheese ] Fontina Cheese ] Havarti ] Limburger Cheese ] Monterey Jack ] High Moisture Jack ] Muenster Cheese ] Port du Salut ]

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