
Semi-Soft Cheese

Unripened Cheese
Soft Ripen Cheese
Semi-Soft Cheese
Pasta Filata
Firm Ripened
Hard Ripened
Blue-Vein Mold Ripen

Cheese in this category include:

These cheeses ripen from the interior as well as from the surface. The process begins soon after the cheese is formed, with the aid of a characteristic mold or bacterial culture, or both. Curing continues as long as the temperature is favorable. These cheeses contain higher moisture than the firm, ripened varieties.

Semi-soft Cheeses typically have a mild, creamy or buttery flavor and soft, supple textures. They also melt well. If you are slicing or shredding these, be sure to work with them while they are still well chilled. The Semi-soft category also contains Monastery or Washed Rind cheeses like Surface Ripened Brick also known as Beer Kase. Beer Kase is a close cousin of another washed Rind cheese, Limburger

Washed Rind Cheeses are rubbed during the curing process with what cheesemakers call a smear. This smear contains bacteria known as Bacteria Linens and yeast, and imparts a rusty red\brown color to the surface. The surface ripening and the smear imparts a more intense, earthy flavor to these cheeses and the rind should be trimmed before eating.

Milkfat in solids: 50.0% minimum
Moisture: Greater than 39.0% minimum; 50.0% maximum

Alsatian Muenster ] Altemburger Cheese ] American Cheese ] Brick Cheese ] Feta Cheese ] Fontina Cheese ] Havarti ] Limburger Cheese ] Monterey Jack ] High Moisture Jack ] Muenster Cheese ] Port du Salut ]