
Pineapple Grades

Flavor Compliments
Pineapple Quality
Pineapple Grades
Weight & Portions

U.S. Standards for Pineapples provide for the following grades, U.S. Fancy. U.S.No.1, and U.S.No.2, U.S. No.1 is the chief trading grade.  Hawaii has its own wholesale grades, and these provide for Hawaii Fancy, Hawaii 1 and Hawaii Cocktail.

U.S. No.1   mature, firm, dry, and well formed, which have well developed eyes and which are free from decay and sunscald, and free from damage caused by bruising, sunburn, disease, insects, rodents, or mechanical means.  The butts shall be well trimmed, fairly well cured, and shall not be badly cracked.  The tops shall be of characteristic color, single, reasonably straight, well attached to the fruit, and shall have not more than 5 crown slips, not more than 2 of which may be more than 2 2/3 inches in length.  The length of the tops shall be not less than 4 inches nor more than twice the length of the fruit.

Hawaii 1 mature, but not over ripe, fairly well formed, clean, well trimmed, which have no more than 2 crowns and which have well developed eyes firmly attached,  characteristically colored, fresh tops, meets soluble solids requirements, and which are free from decay, yellow spot virus, spray burn, broken shells, bruises, crown slips or damage from damage caused by sunburn, cracks, knobs, trimming, disease, insects, or mechanical or other means.  Single crown tops shall be no longer than twice the length of the fruit,  Double crown tops shall be no longer than 1 1/2 times the length of the fruit.

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