

Cold Mixing
Deep Frying
Shallow Frying

Red Stewing or Red Cooking (hung-shu)
Red stewing is uniquely Chinese, similar to ordinary stewing, but here the food is cooked in large quantities of soy sauce and water rather than in water alone. It is the soy sauce that makes the dish rich, tasty, and reddish-brown. It is usually made of pork, beef, ham, chicken, duck, or carp. When these are prepared without soy sauce, but by the same technique, the color will always be light.

It is often necessary to brown the meat first then liquid is brought to a boil over high heat, which is progressively reduced until quite low. Red stewing is used primarily for cooking meats, and if vegetables are to be included, they should be fresh and added just beŁore the dish is served, and only in relation to the quantity of stew being served; reheating leftover vegetables overcooks them. Various condiments are added to red stewed dishes: wine, ginger, scallions, and so on.

An exact cooking time is not critical. Meat may stew one to six hours,
depending on the cut of meat, and may even he cooked a day ahead and reheated. Some dishes flavor may be enhanced if the stew is refrigerated.  When served cold, vegetables should not be added. Hung-shu bean cake, squab, and chicken are commonly served cold. Cooked stew can also be poured into a mold and chilled.

Cooking Systems Techniques Utencils Preparations.

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