

American Regional
South America
Caribbean Cuisine
Central America

In the Yucatan Region, the native Mexicans still have a direct Mayan and Aztec heritage, that shows in their cuisine. Chocolate plays a large part in the cuisine and is used in moles or sauces. The chocolate that is used is not the refined chocolate we are familiar with, but is primarily bittersweet or premixed with cinnamon and raw brown sugar, known as piloncillo.  It is very common when ordering a dish to find it is garnished with avocados and chalupines (deep-fried crickets that are found in the corn fields).

Any meat or foul in the Yucatan that is steamed in a pit is known as pibil.

Food prepared this way is very tender and moist and very hot! The  Habanero is the preferred chile to use in this dish.

History/Ingredients Oaxaca Yucatan.

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