
Blue Cheese

Unripened Cheese
Soft Ripen Cheese
Semi-Soft Cheese
Pasta Filata
Firm Ripened
Hard Ripened
Blue-Vein Mold Ripen
  May have a creamy, blue-veined interior - or a crumbly, blue-veined interior - depending on its age. each Blue may have its own variations in its peppery flavor, texture, or  pattern of veins..

A Blue's texture and tangy, ripe flavor intensify as it ripens.

Serve with: Sparkling wines, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Zinfandel, Port and fruit juice, pears, raisins, figs, walnuts, fruit and nut breads


Milk Used

Aging Period Color Texture Flavor Purchase Unit
Blue Cheese, spelled Bleu on imported cheese,

Cow’s milk

2 to 6 months White inside, streaked with blue veins of mold Pasty, semisoft, sometimes crumbly Spicy, tangy Unit: 5-lb. wheels, cut portions, wedges,
Milkfat in solids: 50.0% minimum
Moisture 46.0% maximum

Uses:  Appetizers, salads, dips, salad dressing, sandwich spreads; good with crackers, dessert

Adelost Cheese Blue Cheese Gorgonzola Cheese Roquefort Cheese Saga Cheese Stilton Cheese Wensleydale Cheese

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