
Skim Milk

Whole Fresh Milk
Flavored Milk & Drinks
Low Fat Milk
Skin Milk
Certified Milk
Frozen Whole Milk
Soft Curd Milk
Low-Sodium Milk
Canned Whole Milk
  Skim milk is milk from which fat has been removed by centrifugation to reduce its milk fat content to less than that of whole milk. In the skim milk ordinarily available, the fat content is 0.1 percent, although it may be lower or higher. Various states have established standards ranging from 8.0 to 9.25 percent as the minimum for the total solids in skim milk.

The product is pasteurized.

ITS FOOD VALUE. With the exception of milk fat and the vitamin A contained in the milk fat, the other nutrients of milk the protein, lactose, minerals, and water-soluble vitamins remain for the most part in the skim milk. Because the vitamin A of whole milk is removed with the fat, a water-soluble vitamin A and D concentrate is frequently added to skim milk. Such fortified skim milk often contains 2000 I. U .of vitamin A and 400 I.U .of vitamin D per quart. However, the amounts may vary as discussed under

Milks. Fortified skim milk may also contain additional milk solids-not-fat.

Two Percent Milk
As its name implies, two percent milk contains 2 percent milk fat. Made from fresh whole and skim milk, two percent milk is pasteurized and homogenized. It may be enriched by adding milk solids-not-fat and various vitamin and mineral preparations.

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