


Today the meat from any animal from the deer family (Cervidae) is called venison. The word venison comes from the Latin term Venari, meaning to hunt. At one time all game was called venison and in some dictionaries is still defined in that manner.

Venison is one of the more popular game meats because it offers the chef a variety of preparations and cost depending on the age of the animal and cut of meat. If the animal is not young the animal should be hung and marinated prior to cooking.  The haunch or round is considered the most popular but the loin offers great opportunities for quality eating.

Deer are eaten for their meat and liver while other members of the family may be prized for other cuts like the elk whose smoked tongue is considered a delicacy.

Young venison can be grilled, or broiled and if larded roasted.

Venison has almost no intramuscular fat or marbling making it a great nutritional alternative to beef with one third the cholesterol than an equal portion of beef.

Larding and barding are common practices when roasting to add moisture and flavor.  Some chefs pours sour cream over the roast prior to cooking adding fat and allowing the acid of the sour cream to balance off the game flavor and tenderize the meat.

Axis Deer Caribou Elk Fallow Deer Moose Field Dressing Deer Skinning Venison Chart Variety Meats

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