Sour Milk Griddlecakes

3 cups flour 
1 tablespoon sugar 
2 tablespoons shortening, melted 
3/4 teaspoon salt 
1 egg 
4 teaspoons baking powder 
2 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups sour milk or buttermilk

Combine all the dry materials and sift. Beat the eggs and milk. Add to the sifted dry materials and beat thoroughly. Stir in melted shortening. Place the batter in a pitcher. Pour on a hot griddle. Bake on one side, turn, and bake on the other side

Griddlecakes or Pancakes are usually considered a food to be served at breakfast. But spread with cinnamon and sugar, a mixture of cottage cheese and jelly, or jelly alone, they provide a substantial dessert for lunch or supper.