MPS NO. 1496 Ground Pork. ground_pork.jpg (54605 bytes)
MBG NO. Not Included.
URMIS and COMMON NAMES: Ground Pork.
COMMON USES: Roast; panfry; meat loaf; sausage.
PORTION SIZES: Amount As Specified.
Ground pork shall be prepared from Item Nos. 403, 404, 405, or  406. Meat with dark discoloration, all bones, cartilages, backstrap and exposed large blood vessels shall be removed. The visual fat content of the boneless meat, determined prior to grinding, shall not exceed 25 percent. After being prepared as described above, the boneless meat shall be ground at least once through a plate having holes no larger than 3/4 in. in diameter (or it may be otherwise reduced in size, provided the texture and appearance of the product after final grinding is typical of ground pork prepared by grinding only). Final grinding shall be through a plate having holes 3/16 in. in diameter. The meat shall be thoroughly blended prior to, and subsequent to, each reduction in size, except that the ground pork shall not be mixed after the final grinding. The boneless meat shall not exceed 50°F. during grinding and packaging. The ground pork shall be packaged in the amount specified by the purchaser, and packed immediately upon completion of grinding.

Ground Pork Recipes